Mapula Thebe – editor
In order for De Rebus to serve the broad church of our readership, legal practitioners are encouraged to send article submission in all areas of law. De Rebus prides itself as being the voice of the attorneys’ profession, therefore, it needs to cater for all practitioners. We receive articles on different areas of law, however, there might be some areas of law that practitioners may feel that the journal does not cover.
De Rebus, the attorneys’ official journal, is primarily an information and news source for attorneys, as well as other legal practitioners, on developments in and relating to the legal fraternity. In addition, it has an important educational role to provide practitioners with up-to-date information and practical guidance on aspects relating to practice management. The journal is also a platform for attorneys to engage with issues they consider relevant to their practices.
For our readers who do not know how articles in the journal are published, this is the process:
In a recent mini survey conducted by De Rebus, respondents indicated that they would like to read content that is practical in nature. Therefore, we would like to revive our once popular ‘step-by-step’ column, which proved to be an important and valuable source of practical information. Practitioners are encouraged to send through articles that are practical and relevant to the profession.
Last year De Rebus relaunched its website and the journal is also available as an application (app) to download for Android and iOS users. Those who have downloaded the app on their devices will receive a notification when new content is uploaded. Practitioners can register on the website and bookmark articles for later reading. In the upcoming months, we will be asking readers to give information relating to the area of law they practice in. This information will be used by the website to intuitively showcase articles that a registered user would be interested in reading according to the area of law they practice in.
Readers should note that the March issue of De Rebus Digital was the last issue. From the April issue onwards, readers will be able to download the entire journal on our website, under the tab De Rebus PDF download on the homepage. Readers will receive an e-mail, which contains a summary of the articles covered in the journal and to notify them when the PDF is available on the De Rebus website.
Would you like to write for De Rebus?
De Rebus welcomes article contributions in all 11 official languages, especially from legal practitioners. Practitioners and others who wish to submit feature articles, practice notes, case notes, opinion pieces and letters can e-mail their contributions to
The decision on whether to publish a particular submission is that of the De Rebus Editorial Committee, whose decision is final. In general, contributions should be useful or of interest to practising attorneys and must be original and not published elsewhere. For more information, see the ‘Guidelines for articles in De Rebus’ on our website (
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (April) DR 3.